April 18, 2024

Rob Vanstone: “And the winner is … Shiane de Jong!” (repeat)

Shiane de Jong, Administrative Assistant extraordinaire, is the first person we see when arriving at the Saskatchewan Roughriders’ business office.

She is also the first person to be recognized with three individual awards at the Roughies — our own version of the Oscars.

On Tuesday, Shiane’s good name was called when the winner was announced in the categories of Nicest Person, Office Parent and Foodie.

“She’s awesome,” President-CEO Craig Reynolds said, “and all her awards are very well deserved.

“She’s such a positive person and she just radiates positive energy.”

That she does.

She is amazing — a description that is also applicable to her acceptance speech(es).

“You don’t often get to address the people who you work with,” Shiane said after the Roughies gala was held at the Jim Hopson Auditorium.

“I thought that maybe if I had the opportunity, I would just tell everyone how much love I have for them and how thankful I’ve been to work with them.

“That was my one thought going into the day, so when I had the opportunity, it was like, ‘You are all going to know how much I love you.’ ”

We already knew it, actually, but her wonderful words still resonated.

Rare is the day when I don’t emerge from the elevator and spend a few minutes yakking with Shiane, who occupies the front desk.

Given her location, she sees everyone, every day, and that is fabulous news to all of us.

Shiane takes a genuine interest in every co-worker. If someone is having a good day, she shares in the celebration. In the event of a bad day, her concern and compassion provide an instant boost.

“I’ve been so thankful for where my desk is situated,” said Shiane, who joined the Club in August of 2022.

“In everyone’s comings and goings, I can ask them how their day is and where they’re going. Often, it sparks a bigger conversation and I can just check in with people.

“It gives me such an opportunity to catch up with people. They stop by my desk. It’s a bit of a quieter spot, too, so we can even have a personal conversation.

“Especially starting out with the Club, I was so thankful for where my desk was, because I got to know everyone rather quickly, rather than being where Rob Vanstone sits.”

That would be on the southernmost side of business office, where the traffic flow is far less hectic than Shiane would experience in a typical day.

Although I have not inquired as to the reasoning behind my desk designation, I suspect it has something to do with: (a) Being a distraction; (b) The torrent of tacky jokes that nobody wants/needs to hear; and, (c) All of the above.

Shiane, bless her heart, can certainly attest to (a), (b) and, of course, (c).

She has heard every one of my three jokes, roughly 271 times. And she has been there when I am not in a jocular mood, on those occasions when I have been riddled with anxiety and worry.

I always feel better after chatting with Shiane. That appreciation is shared by many of my colleagues, which explains the presentation of one award in particular.

“Office Parent was a shocker to me, because there are so many people who I find are like parents to me in the office and people who I can confide in,’’ Shiane said in an exclusive interview with Riderville.com. “So for people to think of me that way, I was kind of astounded.

“It’s comforting, too, to know that people can find solace in talking to me and that I can create a safe space for people to share even personal things that they’re going through day-to-day.

“Professionally, we show up for each other, but when I can personally show up for someone who I work with and get to know them and go on a journey with them, it’s very gratifying.

“We go through so many highs and lows during the year, so to experience a journey with them through the highs and lows of personal life, too, that’s what it’s all about and why I really like working with this team. That was the big one for me.”

Shiane was honoured as the Foodie due to the recognition and envy of her healthy, cost-conscious lunches.

The name of the other award — Nicest Person — has not required further explanation since, er, someone was kind enough to explain it to me.

“It’s extremely humbling to work with the people who I work with,” Shiane said. “It’s such a high-functioning team and so many people excel at what they do.

“That they would think of me even as being just nice — the simplest characteristic — I feel very blessed and humbled.”

Not to mention humble, period. She would rather deflect the credit to others, even after a ground-breaking hat trick at the Roughies.

“I work with a group of really great people,” Shiane said.

“I know the general public sees a lot of us from the grandstand, but there are so many important, valuable, really strong and beautiful people underneath all of that in the day-to-day processes and operations. I just don’t want people to ever forget that.”

Shiane’s haul at the 2024 Roughies won’t soon be forgotten. Neither will her efforts as our resident Office Parent.

“The biggest thing I’ve ever been is a Plant Mom,” Pete de Jong’s wife said with a smile, “so yay for Shiane!”

Yay for Shiane, indeed … times three!