Rider-ize your classroom’s reading with the Rider Reading Program!
The Saskatchewan Roughrider Foundation understands we all have a role to play when it comes to get kids reading! The Rider Reading Program is a Foundation community initiative that encourages students to read together and at the same time, provides them an opportunity to meet one of their favorite players! Through building an association between our brand and daily reading, the aim is to have kids enjoy and maintain positive feelings towards reading.
We invite you to sign up your classroom and /or school HERE to request a visit and share with us your favorite book to read together. Once you’ve completed your request, you’ll receive an email confirming your visit either virtually or in person. Please note, due to the nature of the program, only teachers of Kindergarten through Grade 5 classrooms are eligible to enroll their classes in the Rider Reading Program. Registration for the Rider Reading program closes April of 2024. Remember to sign up early as the program fills up fast!
Download a Rider Reading Bookmark here.
Download a Rider Reading Poster to put up in your classroom here.
For questions or information contact info@saskridersfdn.com